Only solo competitions this week, no bands or choirs

Organizers of the Norfolk Musical Arts Festival were pleased last year that they were at least able to stage a virtual event over the internet at a time of pandemic.
But Andy Blackwood of Simcoe, chair of this year’s festival, said the 2021 competition was a pale imitation of its former self. For that reason, fest organizers last fall decided to go back to in-person performances this year.
“We weren’t sure at the time what the COVID protocols would be,” Blackwood said Monday during Day 1 of the three-day event.
“We decided then to run the events that were done alone – no duets, no choirs, no school bands. We were determined to have a live fest so we decided to keep it simple.”
Fest organizers and competitors caught a break last week when provincial seating guidelines for indoor events expanded to allow more spectators. Instead of competitors being restricted to one spectator, more are now allowed. Capacity at First Baptist Church in Simcoe – site of this year’s competition – is determined by how many masked individuals can safely social distance two meters when seated.
“It’s important to have an audience,” Blackwood said. “We’re so happy to have it live. The kids enjoy it much more. Next year – hopefully – we’ll return to normal and choirs and bands can play and we can go back to how we’ve been for the past 35 years.”
The solo format this year applies to entrants in the categories of voice, piano, guitar, English and French speech arts, and strings. The fest offered a solo instrumental division but there were no takers.
Adjudicators for this year’s fest include Amanda Brunk (voice, English and French speech arts), Emma Rush (guitars and strings), and Susan Robinson (piano).
The competition at First Baptist is being held in the sanctuary. Spectators must wear masks and present proof of vaccination at the door. Proof of vaccine exemption is also accepted.
Spectators are allowed to discreetly film the performance of the musician or speaker they came to see but not other competitors. Spectators are asked to leave once the competitor they came to see has completed their performance.
While spectators must be masked at all times, competitors are allowed to remove their masks when the speak or perform.