Norfolk Haldimand Community Hospice receives $42,000 donation

Norfolk Haldimand Community Hospice receives 42000 donation

The Norfolk Haldimand Community Hospice has received a $42,000 donation from the Presbytery of Hamilton of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.

“We are truly grateful to the Presbytery of Hamilton for their dedication to improving the lives of those facing life-limiting illnesses,” said NHCH fundraising chair Tracey Webster. “We look forward to witnessing the positive impact of this donation being foundational in helping us get a hospice built closer to home for our communities.”

Webster said the NHCH currently offers hospice palliative care education, compassionate caregiver, and family support along with bereavement and grief programs for adults and children, while continuing to lay the groundwork for a bricks and mortar facility.

A bereavement and grievance support person has been hired to conduct both group and individual counseling and has started a walking group in Port Dover.

“We are in the midst of trying to get some capital pledges from individuals in the community who are interested in supporting the hospice build,” Webster said, adding that a certain number of pledges are needed before a capital campaign can be publicly launched, hopefully in the fall of 2023.

NHCH is a charitable organization aimed at providing comprehensive hospice palliative care support by building a center that will include ten beds, an outreach team, day wellness program, and pain and symptom management programs.

The estimated cost of the 16,000-square-foot hospice facility is $14 million.

Webster noted that in February NHCH made a deputation to Haldimand County Council to request a plot of land in Jarvis.

“At that council meeting the planning department was tasked with creating a report and recommendation to action that request which I think will come back to council in September or October,” she said, adding that several private offers of property are also being examined, including one in Norfolk.

“There are several factors to consider including zoning, access to services, and the environmental impact. We are working with the planning departments of both counties to explore these options.”

In the meantime, a Hike for Hospice was held recently in Caledonia that raised $12,000, while other fundraising events are also ongoing.

The donation to NHCH was recommended by members of the former Port Dover congregation of Knox Presbyterian Church.

The Presbytery of Hamilton includes congregations within Haldimand and Norfolk counties including Caledonia, Hagersville, and Jarvis.

“We appreciate this volunteer board’s dedication, passion, and time they are putting forth to bring hospice and services closer to home,” said Rev. Janice Doyle. “The need is here now and will only increase as our population grows.”

For more information about NHCH visit
