On the final day of Eat & Drink Norfolk, the co-owner of Vodka Friday was already looking forward to next year’s event.
“This was our first time here and we’ll definitely be back next year,” Donna Domotor said Saturday. “We’ve had an awesome three days here.
“We’ve had a great response from visitors and I can’t say enough about how well this event is organized.”
Domotor said she is a detail-oriented person who really likes organization.
“I was really impressed with how smoothly everything ran, right from the moment we showed up,” Domotor said. “The organizers were ready for us, directed us to our spot and were available for support when needed.
“We do a lot of these kinds of events and I have to say that this is high on our list, one of the best we’ve attended.”
Domotor was also impressed with the security at the event and called the event’s After Party Pavilion “fantastic.”
Based in Brantford, Vodka Friday was created by Domotor and her business partner and friend Reta Mitton. It began with a group of friends who would gather weekly to enjoy some vodka and is now available at numerous locations.
Presented by CIBC Private Wealth, the event began Thursday and continued through to Saturday. It was held in the CIBC Auditorium at the Norfolk County Agricultural Society Fairgrounds and featured products from more than 30 local breweries, wineries, distilleries and restaurants from Norfolk County.
Nick Ashford and his wife Sherrie live in Woodstock but grew up in Simcoe. They return to their home town every year for Eat & Drink Norfolk.
“It’s always a good time,” Nick said. “The food, the drink, the atmosphere and the entertainment – it’s all good.

“This is something we look forward to every year.”
They were joined by Sherrie’s brother – Ben Stewart, who lives in Simcoe. They all enjoyed a sample from Vodka Friday giving it their stamp of approval.
“We all took a taste and we all liked it,” Stewart said.
Chantal Zorad, the special events manager for the Norfolk County Agricultural Society, said the event is a way to showcase the best of what Norfolk has to offer.
“It’s a terrific community event that brings people together,” Zorad said. “It’s also a chance to speak with the chefs, brew masters and wine makers to learn more about their products.”
Zorad and others who helped put the event together were especially pleased with the success of the After Party Pavilion which attracted a huge crowd on Friday night. They were anticipating just as big a crowd on Saturday night.
The Friday night After Party featured Fiddlestix and their Xtreme Fiddle Rock Show while Saturday night was a DJ dance part with Black Creek Music.
Eat & Drink Norfolk, a nine-year winner of Festival and Events Ontario Top 100 award, also featured live entertainment throughout the day.

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