People looking to spend a day at the beach in Long Point, Turkey Point and Port Dover this summer will have to pay for parking if they want to leave their vehicles close to the sandy shores of Lake Erie.
Norfolk County councilors on Tuesday voted to continue a temporary seasonal paid parking pilot project for a second year.
Implemented in 2022, the program aims to discourage those planning to spend a day at the beach from taking up valuable parking spots for an entire day during the tourist season.
The program runs from June 15 to September 5 from 10 am to 6 pm daily in Long Point, Port Dover and Turkey Point.
The decision came after a lengthy discussion that began at a council committee meeting last week and continued at Tuesday’s meeting.
Most of the discussion was focused on whether the rate should be $3 or $5 per hour. As well, councilors talked about whether parking time limits should be consistent throughout the county or adjusted to meet local needs.
The discussion was resolved by Coun. Chris Van Paassen (Ward 4) who suggests a $4 year hour rate and a four-hour time limit.
“It’s simple, straight forward and consistent,” Van Paassen said.
Van Paassen made the suggestion after Coun. Kim Huffman (Ward 7) said council was making the issue far too complicated.
She said the project needs to be simple and consistent across Norfolk County.
count. Adam Veri (Ward 6) spoke out against the pilot project.
“The feedback I’ve received from residents, tourists and businesses is that the pilot project did not solve the parking issues in Dover last year,” Veri said.
Veri called it overly complicated and not very effective.
He was the only councilor to vote against extending the project.
Mayor Amy Martin reminded councilors that the initiative is still a work in progress.
“This still is a pilot project,” Martin said. “This will give us two separate years of data to compare and bring back next year.”
As part of the program, Norfolk County residents will be able to purchase parking permits for $35 to cover the entire season. Additional passes will be available to Norfolk residents at a cost of $20 per permit.
Permits will be available to those who have a vehicle registered with a Norfolk County address and to those listed as property owners on a Norfolk County tax notice.
The permits will have a four-hour per day time limit.
Plans call for improved signage and parking space markings. As well, there will be additional pay stations, and an additional bylaw enforcement summer student to be funded from the paid parking revenues.
Following council’s vote, Martin introduced a resolution calling for a report on the short and long-term parking objectives in Long Point, Port Dover and Turkey Point.
The report will include ways to encourage active transportation in paid parking areas including amenities such as bike racks, water fountains, foot washing stations and parking spaces.
Plans call for the report to be completed in the first quarter of 2024 when the results of the second year of the pilot project are available.
“I hope it will bring clarity and a direction not only for council to look forward to but for the public to look forward to as we continue this conversation,” Martin said. “I do see how it is considered to be a burden for community members to pay for parking or pay for their passes.
“But if we can articulate a clear plan forward, I think a lot of the communities may buy into paid parking as we begin to reap the benefits.”
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