The Norfolk County Agricultural Society has a new board of directors but the focus of the organization remains the same.
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Now in its 185th Year, ncas Elected dan Taylor as its New President Along with Molly MacDowall as First Vice-President, Mark Jacobs as Second Vice-President, and Steven Balcomb as past-president.
“It’s an honour to lead this Organization as President,” Taylor Said at the Annual General Meeting in January. “2025 Presents exciting opportunities for the Norfolk County Agricultural Society, As We Advance Our Mission to Provide Dynamic Welcoming Spaces and events where the Community Can Come Together to Connect, Learn, and Celebrate.
“Our focus remains on enhancing year-round use of our groups, Making Them the Go-To Destination for Norfolk County’s Events.”
A Presentation of Financial Statements was made, Along with an Address by ncas General Manager Angela Hogeveen about the Successes of the Previous Year That Focused On Standthening Foundational Structures and Enhancing Operations.
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“By Addressing These Core Areas, we will ourselves for Greater Success in 2025 and beyond,” She explained. “This strategic focus ensures that we can continue to grow sustainably, serve our community effectively, and deliver on mission with renewed purpose and efficiency.”
The NCAS Legacy of Excellence Award was introduced and presented to dianne Persall, flesh of the Norfolk County Fair Foundation.
“AS The Foundation Closes Its Operations This Year the Society Celebrated the Impact of Over 25 Years of Dedication,” Said Hogeveen. “The NCFF RAISED ALMOST HALF A Million Dollars in Support of the Society and Contributed to Many Projects and Enhancements to the Grounds and Programming, Which Was Made possible by Dianne’s Visionary Commitment.
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HOGEVEEN ALSO ACKNOWLEDGEDGED National and provincial recognitions for local people and organizations that has contributed to the success of the society and fair.
Tea. Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies accomplishment Award was given to nova mutual insurance recognizing their efforts as a sponsor, partner, and advocate for community beterment. The 2024 Mural Project Created by Nova Mutual Leaves a Lasting Mark on the Ncas Grounds and the Wider Community.
Chris Mullin Received the Oaas Meritorious Award for His 34 Years of Involvely With The Ncas.
The Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions Predated A Distinguished Service Award to Bryan’s Dixie Dogs for 78 Years of Commitment to the Fair.
The Cafe Orrit of Merit Award was give to delores tchorek for her work across ncas events, included the craftsman market program.
Upcoming Events at the Fairgrounds include Eat & Drink Norfolk that Runs April 3 to 5, and the Norfolk County Fair and Horse Show Taking Place October 7 to 13.