Norfolk Council Gives Final Approval to Development of New Park in Waterford

Residents of A waterford Residential Development Will Get Their Park – Despite the Objections of Some, included a form mayor of Norfolk.

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At a meeting we kill, councillors gave final approval to the creation of a park at the villages of waterford, which included 156 homes.

Developer Tom O’Hara Approached Norfolk Staff With An Offy to Convey Ownership of About 2.2 Acres of Land to the County for A New Park After Deciding Not to Build On It.

He Will Cover the Estimated $ 100,000 Cost of Creating the Park, Installation Installation of A Play Structure, Benches, Picnic Tables, Grading and Seeding. Also Covered Will Be the Park Design, Procurement, Insurance, Project Management and Construction.

Once the park is complete, the country will be responsible for nail grass cutting, insurance, maintenance and replacement of assets at an estimated cost of $ 10,000 a year.

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Many Residents in the Villages of Waterford are excited about the new park, with 31 of them Sending Letters of Support to the County. Some were Particularly please they’d no long have to walk across busy old highway 24 to get to waterford lions park Near the Deer Park, the closest Existing Park.

But in a Facebook post, training Norfolk Mayor Kristal Chopp, who Held the Office from 2018 to 2022, was critical of the plan.

She Said She Did not support the plan when the development approved her with a proposition while she was mayor.

The Land Has a Small Section of Significant Archaeological Resources that have been identified for nail conservation, Said a report to council. The site was determined to be an indigenous hook campsite where stone tools were produced. Reprintatives from Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Support the Park Development and Have Been Involved in Deciding where the Play Equipment and other features Will Be Located.

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Chopp Said The Land Donation Shifts “The long-term Costs and Headaches to You-The Taxpayer, ”She Said.

Chopp Said that, in addition to the country losing an estimated $ 400 a year collected in taxes for the land, norfolk taxpayers will be stored with nail maintenance costs. She Suggestized the Developer “Pay Us to Take On The Liabibility of Your Lands that you don’t want” and put $ 300,000 Into a Fund that Would Generate Money To Cover the Park Maintenance Costs.

When asked about the potential to contribute money to a maintenance fund, Angie o’hara of the villages of waterford told councillors the development will be complexed this year.

Speaking at Tuesday’s Meeting, Waterford Resident Chris Guyatt Chided Councillors for Being “Willing to Take On Developer’s Lifetime Liabibility for Free.”

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But Waterford Coun. Kim Huffman Said the Residents of the Villages of Waterford Deserve to have a park.

“Our community is growing exponentialy, and we need to have some amenities there for our residents,” She Said.

HUFFMAN SAID MAINTENANCE OF THE NEW PARK WILL Cost Taxpayers 18 to 25 Cents Per Household a Year.

She Suggestized Her Ward Become Involved in Naming The Park.

Coun. Chris Vanpaassen Said He was part of Two Conversations Between Chopp and O’Hara the Developer First Approached the County About Donating the Book of Land to the Municipality.

“They Wanted to Just Give It To The County,” Said Vanpaassen. Both Times we Said no. But that’s not the same deal that’s on the table now. This is a new offered. They not just giving us the land; they giving us a fully equipped park that’s going to cost them $ 100,000.

“Yes, we have to maintain it in the future, but we are got lots of other parks that we keptuity. This is a deal i can support. ”

