Nordic Sugar is being investigated for crimes after the explosion at the sugar mill in Örtofta

It was in November 2023 that a serious accident occurred at the sugar mill in Örtofta. A boiler exploded, destroying parts of the facility. Debris was spread over a large area, including onto adjacent railway tracks, and train traffic was suspended for a couple of days.

Big problems for growers

It took three weeks before production could be started again and since this is Sweden’s only sugar mill, it caused problems for the growers who could not deliver their sugar beets as planned.

Although the explosion was violent, no one was injured at the time of the accident.

Have inspected on site

Nordic Sugar’s investigation showed that the explosion was caused by a chemical reaction, so-called streaking, which led to a rapid development of heat and gas in the boiler. After the incident, staff were trained and procedures changed.

The Work Environment Agency has also investigated the incident and has also been on site in Örtofta for an inspection. Now the company is reported to the police and prosecutor because it is considered that the company has not fulfilled its obligations regarding the working environment.

– Whether there was a concrete danger or whether the employer can be blamed for negligence of a sufficiently serious kind, the Work Environment Authority leaves to the prosecutor and the police to assess, the report says.

The explosion brought train traffic to a halt. Hear what the Swedish Transport Administration said about the problems:

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Debris from the explosion landed on the railroad tracks and stopped train service for a couple of days. Photo: Teresia Loive/SVT
