Nooshi Dadgostar on the Koran burning: “Have freedom of speech”

Nooshi Dadgostar on the Koran burning Have freedom of speech

Updated 13:53 | Published at 1:33 p.m

Last week’s Koran burning in Stockholm created strong reactions internationally and the Swedish embassy in Baghdad was stormed.

The Left Party’s party leader Nooshi Dadgostar calls the action “unfortunate” but points out that freedom of expression allows religion to be mocked.

– We have freedom of speech in Sweden, you have the right to mock and criticize religion.

The Koran burning in Stockholm created convulsions in Sweden’s international relations.

Morocco’s ambassador to Sweden was called home, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan condemned the action and criticized Sweden, and the Swedish embassy in Baghdad was stormed.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) spoke out earlier this week strongly critical of the Koran burning. He also called for reflection.

– We live in a time in which you should come to your senses. I have a hard time understanding why you want to insult, said the Prime Minister.

full screen Photo: Björn Lindahl


The Left Party’s party leader Nooshi Dadgostar regrets the burning but points out that freedom of expression in Sweden gives the opportunity to burn holy books.

– I think it is unfortunate, the kind of conflicts that have arisen. However, it is important to say that we have freedom of speech in Sweden, you have the right to mock and criticize religion, says Nooshi Dadgostar.

– But I also note that there is a trial against what is called incitement against a ethnic group and I follow it closely.

full screen Koran burning in Stockholm on Wednesday. Photo: Peter Wixtröm
