Noora Tulus’ dream came true together with a good friend – times of exciting moments before being booked into the top series | Sport

Noora Tulus dream came true together with a good friend

Noora Tulus and Ronja Savolainen were booked for the professional women’s ice hockey series PWHL. The two were on site in Minnesota to watch the booking event.

Ice hockey player Noora Tulusen there was both joy and confusion in his voice as he recounted the events of the past day. The 28-year-old Finnish forward was booked early on Tuesday Finnish time in the women’s professional ice hockey series PWHL, when New York caught him in the third round of the booking event.

– After all, this is something you’ve dreamed about since you were a little girl. To be able to play in the world’s toughest league at the moment and to hear when someone chooses for their own team. It was a really great feeling. I’m speechless. I still don’t really understand what has happened here, Tulus told Urheilu when contacted in the aftermath of the booking event from Minnesota.

Tulus had concluded that since he had been invited to attend the event, he would hear his name at some point. Still, the excitement grew quite a bit during the booking day.

– It was a really strange feeling all day, when you could wait and be excited until the evening.

On the spot, his good friend, a 26-year-old Finnish defender, was sharing the excitement and joy with Tulus Ronja Savolainen, which Ottawa took in the second round. In the past season, Savolainen and Tulus celebrated the Swedish women’s hockey league championship in the shirt of Luleå HF.

– We tried to stay positive and calm each other down. Both of them were really nervous about that situation. Of course, we are very happy for each other and that both heard their names.

In the first round, New York booked the Canadian Olympic champion and world champion by Sarah Fillierwho played last season in the NCAA college series for the Princeton University team.

A completely foreign city

During the booking event, Tulus had been in contact with all the clubs of the PWHL. Based on that, he had a hunch that New York might want him. Still, he was prepared for anything to happen.

Last spring, Tulus flew home from the World Championships held in Utica via New York, but otherwise he has never been to the city.

– I have really eager feelings to get to a big city. Of course, it’s exciting to see what world we’re going into, Tulus said and said that he’s also looking forward to meeting his new teammates.

Being booked does not automatically mean a place to play. The player himself was still not quite sure how the process would proceed in practice after the booking event.

– The purpose would be to come back home from Minnesota and spend the summer at home. Probably later, maybe in November, is the pre-camp (training camp). Probably there after this. I don’t really know more than that myself. Aren’t things starting to clear up here little by little, day by day, Tulus thought.

With an open mind, Tulus’ first goal for the coming season is to get a contract.

“There is a lot of momentum”

Last season was the first in PWHL history. Tulus regretted that due to the time difference, he didn’t have time to follow the league games as much as he would have liked. He mostly watched the highlights of the matches in the mornings.

– The league is really tough and there is a lot of speed and physical play, so you have to prepare well for it.

Of the Finnish players, only the center forward played in the professional league in the first season Susanna Tapani. Tulus has only exchanged a few words with Tapani about the PWHL.

– He has spoken very positively about this league and was satisfied, Tulus said.

PWHL stands for The Professional Women’s Hockey League

  • Hockey women’s professional series.
  • Six teams play in it. Boston, Minnesota and New York from the United States and Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto from Canada are included.
  • The first PWHL season in history began in January 2024. At the end of the season, the championship was celebrated by Minnesota, who faced Boston in the finals.
  • Boston’s Susanna Tapani was the only Finnish player in the series’ first season.
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