Noodles destroy South Korea’s highest mountain Halla-San

The environment on South Korea’s highest mountain is facing an unexpected challenge.

Halla-San has become popular to climb and visitors often bring instant noodles with them to keep their energy levels up. But now the organization responsible for entertaining Halla-San is warning that the noodles are being thrown into nature on the mountain.

Kills aquatic insects

The National Park Office has launched a campaign to counter the littering and large banners now adorn the mountain, reports CNN.

“Let us preserve the pure mountain Halla and pass it on to the descendants as it is,” it says.

But the litter also causes other problems. The contents of the noodles also threaten the animal life on the mountain.

“Ramen broth contains a lot of salt, so throwing it along the valley stream pollutes the water and makes it impossible for aquatic insects to live there,” writes the National Park Office.

May lead to fines

Littering in the area is already prohibited and earlier this week the police made a crackdown after repeated complaints from tourists.

For the guilty, a fine of up to 2,000,000 won, equivalent to 15,000 Swedish kronor, can await.
