“Non-Islamic” toys are recalled in Qatar

In Qatar, various toys with rainbow colors were confiscated on the grounds that they were “un-Islamic”.

In a statement made by the Ministry of Trade and Industry, it was stated that inspections were carried out at retailers in various regions of the country, and that “various violations, including toys bearing slogans contrary to Islamic values, were found and the commercial goods in question were confiscated”.

According to the news published in the Qatar News Agency, the Ministry called on all citizens to “notify the goods with designs and logos contrary to traditions and customs”.

Although the ministry’s statement did not specify which goods were deemed contrary to Islamic rules for what reason, it was noteworthy that the rainbow-colored toys were included in the shared photo. Rainbow colors symbolize the LGBTI+ movement worldwide, which includes lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people. Homosexuality is illegal in Qatar.

The human rights situation in Qatar is particularly under scrutiny in the Western world, as it will host the FIFA World Cup next year. The Qatari administration, which has faced various criticisms on human rights since 2010, when the World Cup was hosted, gives the message that they are open to everyone who will come to the country for the Cup. However, the seizure of rainbow-colored toys rekindled criticism of the Qatari government on social media.


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