Non-alcoholic drinks, a social phenomenon

Non alcoholic drinks a social phenomenon

Initiatives to reduce alcohol consumption have been around for some time, including the Dry January which consists of not drinking alcohol during the first month of the year. But it seems that the consumption of alcoholic beverages is down slightly in favor of non-alcoholic alternatives. One of the reasons ? The search for a more healthy, and especially moderation rather than abstention.

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This increasingly frequent societal practice is the sign of a desire to consume differently: to alternate between alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic (rather than abstaining entirely) in order to limit the harmful effects of alcohol consumption.

Who are the consumers of soft drinks?

Until recently, refusing a drink of alcohol was a trend that was attributed only to communities of consumers:

  • young people who have not reached the legal age;
  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • people who do not drink alcohol for ethical reasons (vegans for example), for health reasons or for religious commitments.

But today, many professionals (bar managers, liquor brands and salespeople) have noticed this change: more people are choosing non-alcoholic alternatives.

With a multitude of beers, wines, gins and even non-alcoholic whiskeys, the variations are numerous and the possibilities almost endless. This is what delights those who no longer want to have only Juice or sodas as a choice. The mocktail, which designates the cocktail without alcohol, also allows you to create combinations of flavors or enjoy an original aperitif.

The reason ? The concern for more responsible consumption

In the same way that some French people seek to reduce sugar intake by reducing the purchase of sodas in particular, many people are tempted by these non-alcoholic proposals. Of course, spirits like alcohol-free beers do not in any way take away the convivial and festive aspect of reunion with friends or family !

This moderation policy, which consists of drinking less regularly and favoring non-alcoholic alternatives for aperitifs at home and even outdoors, is leading to a strategic revival with brands to imagine new products likely to meet the expectations of this public.

A booming market

About that, the IWSR, which is the main source of analyzes of the alcoholic beverages market, claims that the non-alcoholic beverages sector gained + 3% market share in 2020 in the 10 countries which account for three quarters of global consumption – France included.

And good news for people who never consume alcohol: this craze for non-alcoholic drinks makes it possible to diversify the offer, to create new products at 0.00% and to discover new flavors!

By the way, this search for drinks alcohol-free also echoes a committed desire to consume better. At the same time, the market for local, eco-designed and organic drinks is developing!

Note: Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation.

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