Nomadic toys to take away for the holidays

Nomadic toys to take away for the holidays

On the way to vacation, at home or at the beach, discover our selection of fun, educational and practical toys to take with you so that your child has fun wherever he is!

When away from home, whether on vacation by the sea, in the mountains or in the countryside, your child finds himself far from his habits and far from his games. And since it is impossible totake away all his toys (which are overflowing from the cupboards in their bedroom), toddlers often repeat to their parents: “Mom/Dad, I’m bored!”. So that the holidays rhyme with fun, we have selected for you easy-to-carry toys, both practical, fun and educational, to keep them busy throughout the holidays and during the trip. From traditional card games, to travel and board games, to beach games, tablets and even bubble guns… Discover the editorial staff’s favourites, which will certainly delight your children. .
