Nokia to offer ‘4G’ internet connection on the Moon

Nokia to offer 4G internet connection on the Moon

It has recently made a splash with its new logo above. nokiaThis time, it’s on a different topic. “4G” internet connection on the company Moon will present.

nokia, takes a step within the scope of NASA’s plans to bring humans back to the Moon and makes concrete plans to provide “4G” internet connection on the Moon. In this respect NASA, Lunar Outpost And Intuitive Machines According to reports, the company will install the necessary 4G connection infrastructure on Intuitive Machines’ Nova-C lunar lander within the scope of the “IM-2” mission to be carried out by SpaceX in November, and will specifically position it in the Shackleton crater in the southern region of the Moon. Stating that this system will prove that terrestrial networks can meet the communication needs of future space missions, Nokia states that its network will allow astronauts to communicate with each other and with mission control, as well as remotely control spacecraft and transmit real-time video and telemetry data to Earth. These all look pretty cool and It is on the table for 2025 and beyond.


In the morning on a similar matter. Lockheed Martin had come to the fore. The company is developing an important system for human beings who plan a long-term life on the Moon in order to pass over it. The company, as it turns out today, is to build a satellite network from the Moon to Earth. “Crescent Space” created a subsidiary called This company’s first job parsec The Moon-Earth communications network project, named Moon-to-Earth communications network, will reportedly be powered by multiple satellites to provide a seamless connection between astronauts, their vehicles and those on Earth. The project, which is reported to provide assistance in lunar navigation, is basically described as the lunar version of GPS and is intended to significantly facilitate lunar exploration. What seems important to NASA’s Moon-based Artemis project parsec, It will start to be implemented concretely within the scope of 2025.
