Noisy outside KTH in connection with protest

About 20 people have been detained and three have been arrested outside KTH.
In connection with a speech, there has been shouting, gaping and vandalism.
– We have had to pull an extensive resource there, says Daniel Wikdahl, the police’s press officer.

Outside KTH in Stockholm, a “disorderly” and “unauthorized” public gathering is currently taking place.

Several people disturb someone who is speaking with the help of loud screams and gaping, the police write.

– There are some people who are to be removed. There are quite a few, an estimated 15 to 20, says Daniel Wikdahl.

Three people have been arrested on suspicion of various crimes.


There has also been vandalism in connection with the gathering.

– We have had to draw an extensive resource there to overcome this disorder, says Daniel Wikdahl.

At the moment, the police are working on the basis of the classifications of disturbing the peace, disobedience to law and order, vandalism, unlicensed public assembly and violation of the masking ban.

“The unlicensed gathering may continue unless the participants behave in a disorderly manner or violate the masking ban,” the police write on their website.
