No wrong interrogating shocked police

No wrong interrogating shocked police

Updated 01.18 | Published 01.12




full screen A violent man aged 35 was shot in the leg in connection with an intervention in January in Jönköping where a police officer was also seriously injured. Archive photography Photo: Anna Hållams/TT

A police officer who shot a violent man in the leg in Jönköping in January was interrogated without a defense attorney or trade union representative present immediately after the incident.

This prompted the Police Association to report the prosecutor for misconduct. But now the deputy chief prosecutor at the Public Prosecutor’s Office’s development center has decided not to initiate a preliminary investigation, reports the Police newspaper.

“Interviewing people who witnessed an event is held as soon as possible in the preliminary investigation. . .is important for the interrogation to reflect the real course of events as far as possible,” writes the deputy chief prosecutor in his decision.

The Police Union in Region East also criticized in its report that the police were pressured to participate in the interrogation even though he was in deep shock after his colleague was injured life-threateningly in the incident itself.

But the deputy chief prosecutor believes that the decision to hold interrogations before relief talks was justified.
