No sex in you season 4? Netflix star Penn Badgley fought “intimate scenes” and has a special reason for it

No sex in you season 4 Netflix star Penn Badgley

The 4th season of the serial killer hit You – You will love me started on Netflix on February 9, 2023: first with the first 5 episodes, before part 2 of the new You season will follow shortly. After New York, California and the suburbs, stalker/serial killer Joe is now in London, but with one crucial change: there is significantly less sex in season 4 of You — and that’s a decision lead actor Penn Badgley was instrumental in making.

Penn Badgley asked for a less sex-heavy You season 4

At the center of You, based on the book by Caroline Kepnes, is Joe Goldberg, who repeatedly obsessive interest in women developed, which he then pursues, observes, desires and sometimes even kills. Before that, however, the victims of his idea of ​​”romance” often go to bed with him, which repeatedly led to sexual portrayals in You in the first three seasons.


You: There were still sex scenes in Season 3

In his podcast Podcrushed, Penn Badgley revealed that he asked You series creator Sera Gamble in the run-up to Season 4, the constant Stop sex scenes for Joe:

I asked Sera Gable: I can no make more intimate scenes? It’s actually a decision I made before the series. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned that publicly. Do I always want to be the romantic lead in my career?

But not only professionally, but also private reasons moved Penn Badgley, who grew up as a Gossip Girl star before You:

loyalty is in every relationship, including my marriage, important for me. I’ve gotten to a point where I can [Sexuelle in Serien] don’t want to do anymore. So I said to Sera: My wish would be to go from 100 to zero. But I had signed this series contract.

The difficulty was that You, with a stalker as the main character, had an inherently sexual component.

I knew what I was doing and that [Sex] into the DNA [von You] is enrolled. So I asked how much they could reduce it and Sera Gamble didn’t even bat an eyelid. She was even glad I did so was honest. […] After that they came [für Staffel 4] with a phenomenal reduction [der Intim-Szenen] back. Season 4 You shows a rethink, but it’s not devoid of sex

Now, You in Season 4 is not a completely new series. Still narrating his observations, Penn Badgley’s Joe finds his familiar attraction again to a new woman: his neighbor Kate Galvin (Charlotte Ritchie). Nevertheless, there is a shift in the first 5 episodes of season 4: while Joe keeps denying his own romance with Kate, his obsession shifts to the unknown eat-the-rich killerwho kills in his environment. Joe now addresses this opponent in his off-comments with the eponymous “Du” of the series.


You: Desire in Season 4 between Kate and Joe

Despite it Isn’t it entirely true that You’s season 4 is sex-free. Because when Joe and Kate finally give in to their desire for each other in episodes 3 and 4, the sex act does happen. However, the representations of the same in the park or next to the mansion four-poster bed are clearly falling tighter and shorter out than before.

Whether Joe will continue to fight against a relationship with Kate in part 2 of season 4 You, as he does with his rejection in episode 5, we will find out on March 9, 2023 Find out on Netflix.

Podcast: The 20 best series starts in February, including You

Need more fresh streaming tips? You can find the most exciting series that you can stream on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+ and more in February here in the monthly preview:

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We have checked the long starting lists of the streaming services and present you the 20 big highlights of the month in the Moviepilot podcast stream trawl. Also included are new seasons of You, Carnival Row and Star Trek: Picard, as well as the latest The Walking Dead spin-off and the highly anticipated adaptation of the German sci-fi novel The Swarm.

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