No sensitive information was spread during the attack

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

During Tuesday, the SAS website and app were down for a period, as a result of a load attack against the airline.

Passenger data was also visible to other passengers who were active during the attack, according to the airline.

The travelers were asked during the evening not to use the SAS app.

The information that became visible to other passengers was the contact details of some passengers, information on previous and future trips and the last four digits of the credit card number, SAS states.

— It creates great concern. We want to assure customers that what was shown in the form of a credit card was the last four digits of the credit card number. There has been no risk that they have been able to use that information, says SAS communications manager Karin Nyman.

No information from passports has been disseminated and no Eurobonus points have been affected, according to the airline.

On Wednesday, SAS announced that the problems had been resolved.

— Everything is back to normal. But we know that this type of attack is often followed by more. This means that we monitor the situation very carefully, says Karin Nyman.

– Measures have been taken to ensure that this cannot happen again.

In recent times, several large Swedish websites have suffered from IT attacks and disruptions.
