no respite in the war in Gaza

no respite in the war in Gaza

Israeli bombings continue in the Gaza Strip. The Jewish state army announced a “tactical pause” in the fighting on Sunday. Every day between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. Objective: to allow, in theory, humanitarian aid trucks to enter the enclave. This cessation of hostilities concerns only one road in the Rafah region. The rest of the Palestinian territory is still under Israeli bombs, and is in dire need of water and food.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Sami Boukhelifa

Since the start of the war, the situation has remained unchanged. “ There are announcements from the Israeli army, and the reality on the ground is very different “, deplores Asma, who lives in the south of the strip Gaza.

The bombings continue all the time…all day long. In Rafah there are always fights and attacks. And even in Khan Younes, there are attacks and bombings “.

Gazans also report strikes elsewhere in the enclave: Al Burreij in the center, Jabaliya in the north.

The “tactical pause” in the fighting, announced by the Israeli army, only concerns a single road axis in the south. Its stated goal: to let humanitarian aid in. “ We are still waiting for it », confides Asma.

Read alsoWar in Gaza: no Eid al-Adha or Hajj for Gazans

“It’s famine again”

So far we haven’t seen the trucks [d’aide humanitaire]. The Israelis say they will let goods trucks through for traders, and humanitarian aid trucks for UNRWA. Everyone is waiting. In Rafah and Khan Younès, we have had nothing at all for almost a month. We can’t find anything to eat “.

And the situation is even worse in the north of the Gaza Strip. “ It’s famine again », says Mohamed Hafez. “ Help us “, implores this resident of Jabaliya, in a message sent via WhatsApp.

Read alsoWar in Gaza: a “tactical pause” that raises questions in Israel
