No one should take these food supplements: they contain a very dangerous plant alerts handles

No one should take these food supplements they contain a

The whole French population is concerned by this warning.

60% of French people take food supplements. Some to fill in deficiencies, to fight against fatigue, to boost immunity, others to sleep or lose weight. But beware. If these supplements are over -the -counter and highlighted for their natural substances, they can expose side effects. Because they are badly taken, that is to say without respecting the dosage or associated with contraindications not verified by the consumer. The other possibility, rarer but risky, is to take a food supplement containing a component dangerous for health. This is the subject of an alert issued on March 5 by the National Food Safety Agency (ANSES).

“Although prohibited in drugs, a plant continues to be used in food supplements. Their consumption is the cause of severe adverse effects, especially acute hepatitis, including in people with no medical history” informs the authority which advises against their consumption “to the whole population”. The agency led an analysis of the cases identified by various French, European and North American vigilance systems, supplemented by a literature review. It has identified a case of deadly fulminant hepatitis and cases of psychiatric, digestive (pancreatitis), cardiac and muscular attacks. In France alone, 38 reports of adverse effects were declared between 2009 and 2024. The agency also identified several drug interactions which can lead to an increase in adverse effects or loss of drug efficiency.

The food supplements targeted by the alert are intended for weight loss. They would allow reduction in fat storage and feeling of hunger, control of blood sugar and cholesterol levels. These benefits are associated with the plant “Garcinia Cambogia “the famous plant dangerous for health, not recommended by ANSES. This plant is traditionally used in Asia in culinary preparations and for medicinal uses. It is authorized in the food supplements of several countries of the European Union and can thus be in the hands of French consumers.

L’Handles Recalls that weight loss without medical indication involves risks, especially when the person adopts unbalanced and little diverse eating practices. In general, you have to ask for advice from healthcare professionals before buying food supplements. Unlike drugs, the marketing of food supplements does not require a marketing authorization. Caution therefore.
