Smartphones are full of all kinds of features whose extent is too often underestimated. Among all the assets of the iPhone is hidden a forgotten tool, but yet very useful.
Apple had struck hard by integrating this functionality in its smartphones in 2024. However, it would seem that it was completely passed to the hatch, due to a lack of sufficient communication on its appearance. The commercial failure of this tool is nonetheless surprising, in view of its originality and on its side could not be more practical in everyday life.
Entitled “Indicators of movement of the vehicle”, this forgotten functionality of the iPhone aims to put an end to the evil of transport, also called Cinétose. And so far she has borne fruit for a good part of the users who have thought of activating it. “The new feature […] is incredible and works very well “testifies a surfer on Reddit. “I appreciate it very much and I have the impression that it does something positive about me”replied another.
If all users do not necessarily feel a profit, depending on their sensitivity, it is clear that Apple has innovated and scored points compared to its competitors. The functionality of the American brand is also easy to use and easily activated.

Thanks to the “vehicle movement indicators”, your iPhone will prevent you from being a victim of cinetosis. Once the feature is activated, points will appear on the edge of your smartphone and will come alive according to the movements of your vehicle, whether it is a car, a train or a boat. The points will cross your screen from top to bottom if you are in a straight line, or will switch from right to left in full turn … just to imitate your trajectory.
The subterfuge allows you to send signals to your brain to allow it to better support the movement of transport. To make it work, just look at the screen and preferably in the direction of walking. Transport evil is indeed caused by a sensory conflict, between what you see and what you feel, during the movements of a vehicle. By showing the points on the screen of your smartphone, Apple puts an end to this contradiction received by your brain and saves you the traditional nausea that occurs during long trips.
In order to activate the “vehicle movement indicators”, you just have to go to the settings of your iPhone, click on “Accessibility”, then “Animation”. You will find the button “Show the movement indicators of the vehicle”, which will submit three possibilities to you: “Yes”, which allows you to display the points on your smartphone without interruption; “No”, which ends functionality; Then “automatic”, which only activates when your iPhone identifies a movement by vehicle.
It should be recalled that if the “vehicle movement indicators” are intended to be activated when you are by car, and only the passenger or travelers sitting on the rear seat are authorized to light their smartphone. The driver is strictly prohibited from lighting his device while driving.