No news about Folklistan on election night

No news about Folklistan on election night



full screenSara Skyttedal and Jan Emanuel are not informed on election night whether they will enter the EU Parliament. Archive image. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

Folklistan’s votes will not be reported when the polling stations close on June 9.

Thus, Sara Skyttedal and Jan Emanuel must wait for word on whether the party will enter the EU Parliament.

Only the votes of the eight Riksdag parties are reported separately directly when the polling stations close and can therefore be presented in the election forecasts during the election watch on television, the Electoral Authority states.

Votes for other parties, such as Folklistan, Nyans or Medborgerlig samling, are reported jointly under the heading “other registered parties” in the preliminary vote count.

Only in the county administrations’ final vote count, which begins the day after the election, are the votes for all parties reported separately.

The electoral authority has two criteria for separately reporting parties’ votes already on election night. On the one hand, the party must already be represented in the European Parliament or the party must have received over two percent in two out of five selected opinion polls before the election.

No party other than the eight Riksdag parties has met the second criterion, the Electoral Authority states.
