No need to use toxic products like pesticides to eliminate dandelions in your garden. These simple and natural grandmother’s techniques are perfectly effective in eradicating weeds.

No need to use toxic products like pesticides to eliminate

No need to use toxic products like pesticides to eliminate dandelions in your garden. These simple and natural grandmother’s techniques are perfectly effective in eradicating weeds.

Since 2019, individuals can no longer buy or use pesticides in France. With this ban, amateur gardeners must use other techniques to weed their land. And, in addition to manual uprooting, which is long and painful, there are several natural, simple and effective solutions for this, which do not present any risk to health and the environment, unlike phytosanitary products.

Among these old wives’ tales, there is first of all hot water. All you have to do is take boiling water or collect cooking water (from pasta, potatoes, vegetables, etc.) and pour it directly onto the weeds. Very hot water (at a temperature above 50°C) causes a thermal shock that instantly destroys the aerial parts of the plant. It denatures the proteins in the plant cells of the weeds, making them incapable of fulfilling their vital functions.

Although deep roots can withstand an initial treatment, regular applications gradually weaken the plant, limiting its regrowth. Generally, three to four treatments per year are sufficient for lasting results. This technique is particularly suitable for mineralized areas, such as paved paths or gravel. However, it is not recommended for flower beds, as the hot water could also harm the plants you want to keep.

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Another popular, economical and effective solution is white vinegar. Simply spray pure vinegar on the leaves of weeds in sunny weather. The acid destroys the surface membrane of the plants, making them vulnerable to UV rays. Be careful, avoid excessive use so as not to acidify the soil. To treat larger areas, it is possible to dilute the vinegar with water while adding a little black soap to improve adhesion.

It is also possible to use sodium bicarbonate. Sprinkle it at the base of the weeds and let the dew dissolve it. Be careful not to use too large quantities to avoid making the soil phytotoxic. This method is ideal for small non-vegetated areas such as paved or gravel paths.

On the other hand, some practices should be absolutely avoided. For example, the use of salt to weed is strongly discouraged. Sodium chloride destroys soil microorganisms and can even poison groundwater, making the soil sterile. Bleach, although effective, should also be avoided. It not only kills weeds, but also underground life, and releases toxic substances into the environment.

By combining all these natural techniques, you will gradually and easily eliminate dandelions and unwanted weeds while preserving the health of your garden and the environment.
