No need to spend money on products or devices to repel mosquitoes: you can easily make a very effective repellent with food waste you have at home.

No need to spend money on products or devices to

No need to spend money on products or devices to repel mosquitoes: you can easily make a very effective repellent with food waste you have at home.

Summer is finally coming! But not alone. Because, once again, mosquitoes will invite themselves into our gardens and our homes. And specialists are already promising that they will be particularly numerous this year, in particular because of the abundant rains in spring which favored their reproduction. And as the heat will also be there, there is a great risk that these terrible insects will spoil our evenings outdoors and our nights in bed. How to scare them away without using special products, which are not always effective?

Among the countless grandmother’s tips, there is a simple and economical solution which consists of transforming a simple waste from your kitchen into a very effective mosquito repellent. Simply use coffee grounds. Yes, this residue that we often throw away without thinking about it can become your ally in keeping these annoying insects away.

Coffee grounds are what remains after preparing your coffee: the residue of ground beans infused with water. Not only is it biodegradable, but it also has many ecological virtues, including the ability to repel mosquitoes thanks to its combustion.

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To use coffee grounds as a repellent, simply burn them. The smoke that emerges from its combustion gives off a strong and unpleasant odor to mosquitoes, encouraging them to flee. To do this, use a heat-resistant container, such as an old metal pot or an empty tin can. Start by drying the coffee grounds completely by leaving them in a dark place. Once it is completely dry, place it in the container forming a sort of crescent.

Then use a match or lighter to light one end of the pile of coffee grounds. It should start to smoke and give off that characteristic smell that repels mosquitoes. Place the container in a well-ventilated area, near where you want to keep insects away. Keep an eye on the process to avoid any risk of fire.

Sometimes coffee grounds alone can have difficulty burning properly. In this case, you can mix the coffee grounds with equal parts ground coffee. This mixture burns more easily and produces denser smoke, increasing its effectiveness as a repellent. If you notice the mixture burning too slowly, add a little more fresh ground coffee. Conversely, if it burns too quickly, reduce the amount of fresh coffee.

Please note, it is important to take some precautions when burning coffee grounds. Smoke may contain compounds that are potentially irritating to the respiratory tract and eyes. It is therefore recommended to burn the coffee in a well-ventilated area and not to directly inhale the smoke.

Once the coffee has finished burning, the remaining ashes can be used as compost to enrich your garden. It’s an ecological way to recycle this waste while benefiting from a natural mosquito repellent.

Using coffee grounds to repel mosquitoes is a simple, economical and ecological tip. Next time you brew coffee, consider saving the grounds and turning them into a natural repellent. Not only will you enjoy bite-free summer evenings, but you’ll also help reduce waste. It’s a winning solution on all counts!
