No More Screenshots on WhatsApp! – Cepholic

No More Screenshots on WhatsApp Cepholic

WhatsApp, today’s most popular messaging application, is improving day by day. Especially recently, social media platforms constantly bring innovations from the competition among themselves. In the last statement made by Whatsapp, they announced that they are implementing a test phase that will stop taking screenshots.

WhatsApp made one-time photo and video sending available, which is the feature it introduced a few months ago. However, with this feature, screenshots of the photo or video you sent could be taken.

The upcoming feature will be available to all beta testers on Android 13. The new upcoming WhatsApp feature will be available to users with the WhatsApp beta update for Android For iOS users, the company has not yet made a statement.

The upcoming update received a positive reaction from users. According to the information received, the company wants to pass the test phase as soon as possible and present its new feature to all users.

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