No more limp fries at McDonald’s! An employee gives you the secret to keeping them crispy and hot

No more limp fries at McDonalds An employee gives you

This true expert has found the solution to this problem well known to all McDonald’s and fast food customers.

At each trip to the fast food restaurant, whether drive-thru or simply take-out, the strategic problem arises: how to keep the burgers and fries warm and, above all, how to prevent the crispy fries from becoming soft and flabby in a few minutes? Some only found a tasty but impractical solution: eating a fry and then finally devouring everything on the way back home. Terribly frustrating…

Lovers of hot and crispy McDonald’s, the solution is before your eyes. A former McDonald’s employee has given his ultimate tip for enjoying hot, crispy fries at home. Originally from Sydney, Bruno Bouchet became a famous Australian radio presenter and revealed his little secret, revealing that he worked for McDonald’s in Brisbane when he was young.

For him, it all comes down to a mistake made by many fast-food customers: closing the bag. “You might think that if you seal the bag tightly, the heat will keep the fries warm,” he told listeners. “Well, you’re wrong. It actually steams the potatoes, leaving you with soggy, soggy fries. You steam them when you close the bag.”

The error is clearly identified thank you but that doesn’t really give a solution to prevent it! Make no mistake, here again, our expert has the key. “The solution is simple, let the heat escape,” he continued. ‘First, keep the bag open. Next, did you notice that the fries are arranged vertically in the bag? Place them horizontally, as this will slow down the rate at which heat escapes – it will come out to one side rather than straight from the top. Finally, place the burgers on top of the fries to keep them hot.”

It’s all a question of storage and strategic positioning of the components of your favorite menu. However, we will be careful not to move the drink otherwise there will be real carnage upon arrival with fries bathing in your favorite soda. We summarize or rather let our expert do it: “Let me summarize: fries on the bottom, horizontal position, hamburgers on top and let the bag breathe – you will never have limp fries in your life, I guarantee it .” It was so simple… All you had to do was think about it.
