No More Lateness to School: This Mom Finds a Brilliant Idea to Get Her Kids Ready on Time

No More Lateness to School This Mom Finds a Brilliant

Does your child have trouble getting up in the morning and getting ready on time? To avoid the rush and be on time for school, try this particularly effective technique!

Every morning, it’s always a race! The alarm goes off, but your child has trouble getting up, he hangs around in bed, daydreams, takes too long to finish his breakfast and get ready. In fact, he’s often one of the last kids to cross the school gate! And every year, as a parent, we make the same resolution: “for the start of the school year, we will be on time for school!”. A difficult promise to keep, especially when bad habits catch up with us. On social media, a mother shared a very effective tip to allow children to get ready on their own and on time!

“My five-year-old daughter has no concept of time… Having five minutes to go brush her teeth means absolutely nothing to her“, she explains. On her Tiktok account @babycentreuk, the mother shares her colorful and oh-so-effective tip to avoid arriving late for school every morning.

Her technique is very simple: get a clock and colored pencils or markers to help your child visualize the distribution of time. For example, this mother chose to color the segment from 7 a.m. to 7:05 a.m. dedicated to getting up in red. The green part (from 7:05 a.m. to 7:20 a.m.) corresponds to breakfast time. The yellow color means it’s time to brush your teeth and comb your hair, the blue part invites the child to get dressed for school. Finally, in orange: it’s time to leave the house to go to school!

You can of course adapt the colours and timing according to your child’s needs and your family habits, especially depending on the travel time to get to school. To save a little more time in the morning, it is also advisable to prepare the clothes the night before, and why not, prepare (if you have the courage) the breakfast table, just after the evening meal. In any case, this morning routine has the advantage of preparing the children in a fun way, without stress. A tip to try as a family!
