Back to school is fast approaching and your child is still not potty trained? Don’t panic. Thanks to this tip from a parenting expert, your little one will be out of diapers in no time.
Every parent knows this crucial moment: potty training before school. Of course, there is no miracle recipe, but some methods seem to work better than others. The proof is in this ingenious tip from Laurie Gozlan, an expert in supporting your toddlers, followed by more than 110,000 subscribers on Instagram.
If decorating your child’s potty, reading a story at pee time or adopting the rules of mimicry still don’t work, try this new concept! According to Laurie Gozlan, it is above all essential to be determined to get through this stage of potty training. You will then have to tell yourself that this time, there is no turning back, we are taking off the diaper and if the sofa pays the price, you will have to insist, despite everything. Then, once you feel the D-day coming, get the book “bye bye my diaper”. It is by offering this book to this child that you will mark a real before/after. The latter will have to understand that he is finally ready and that it is this little book that will help him and accompany him in the elimination of diapers.
So what’s the little extra thing about “bye bye my diaper” ? Very simply, in this book, your child is the hero of the story. You will only have to stick his photo throughout the pages so that he understands that he will have to cooperate to succeed in removing the diapers. Thanks to a set of stickers, you will only have to guide him by inviting him to remove his diaper, throw it in the trash, sit on the potty and receive his little panties. Obviously, the idea is to adapt the story of the book to real life.
It will therefore be necessary to explain to your child that from now on, he will no longer wear a diaper during the day at home. “Be prepared to eliminate diapers for two weeks, except for nighttime and naps for now.”advises Laurie Gozlan. For sleeping, the expert recommends wearing brief diapers, which will allow you to change from your old ones. And for outings, opt for a portable potty and keep your trips short. “There will be accidents, it’s inevitable and it’s part of learning,” she warns. The important thing is to avoid shouting and arguing, tell him that it’s not serious and that next time, he’ll have to tell mom or dad, or go straight to the potty.
To establish some reflexes like in the book, suggest to your child to go to the potty (even if he does nothing) at key moments of the day: after meals, before nap, before going out. Make this moment something positive and not a chore. The book “bye bye my diaper” will then transform potty training into a game. It will help your child understand the importance of going to the potty and will motivate him to want to do like the adults. In short, a book to get during the summer!