No more birth gifts, make way for truly useful actions for parents

No more birth gifts make way for truly useful actions

The latest trending practice on social networks is a real blessing for future parents. Instead of receiving tons of birth gifts that are not always useful during a baby shower or at birth, they are entitled to a “nesting party” before the baby arrives. What exactly is it about?

“All future mothers need a nesting party. If you’re pregnant and don’t want a baby shower, do this. If you have a pregnant friend, do this for her!”. It is with these words that Nia Lui gushes on TikTok about the baby shower of another kind to which she was entitled. Indeed, the nesting party is becoming more and more talked about on social networks, because it really provides help to future parents, relieves them and prevents them from cluttering their home with sometimes unnecessary birth gifts. This party therefore goes against traditional baby showers, intended to spoil the mother and the future child. The idea: organize a calm and calm event, during which the guests will help the future parents to “make their nest”, as the term “nesting” indicates, before the child comes into the world. This could be painting the room, assembling the furniture, cleaning… Basically, we are providing a service, but not only that. It is also an opportunity to share a good meal and chat with loved ones quietly, without the outbursts which can be more tiring than anything else for parents-to-be.

What tasks to do during a nesting party?

The nesting party is very popular, because it relieves future parents in the weeks preceding the birth which, as we know, are often complicated to manage since panic takes over in the face of everything that remains to be done. It is therefore a great help for the pregnant woman who needs to rest or who is no longer able to do much with her bottle, but also for the co-parent who may be working and who has already busy days, as well as for future single mothers, or even parents who already have children and who are therefore very busy. In short, the nesting party can be a great support for all future parents! In addition, the services provided can serve as birth gifts, which prevents parents from being cluttered and those around them from spending money on useless items. Here are examples of tasks that can be carried out:

  • Painting the baby’s room
  • Assemble the furniture and accessories for the baby (bed, changing table, stroller, etc.)
  • Sort, wash and fold all the future child’s clothes
  • To do the housework
  • Cook freezer meals for parents to eat during late pregnancy or postpartum
  • Do crafts
  • Help tidy up the house
  • Prepare the maternity bag with the mother-to-be
  • Contribute to household chores (shopping, laundry, etc.)
  • Go shopping for baby’s first days (diapers, care products, cotton, clothes, etc.)
  • Offer to look after the older children, or organize an outing with them on the weekend, to allow the mother-to-be to rest

Everyone has their own method for assigning tasks. Future parents can assign one to each guest according to their skills (DIY, cooking, etc.). In other cases, pretty cards are prepared and everyone can choose the mission that suits them.

The nesting party does not convince everyone

“Everything was so clean, so organized, and I feel so much more ready for this baby,” says Nia Lui after her nesting party. His testimony has been echoed by other parents, who say it is proof that the proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” is true, and that the said village is a vital support for future and young parents. Some even say that this type of service is nothing new. “Sorry, but hasn’t this been around forever? I will absolutely help all my pregnant friends. And I wish I had one”comments a mother.

It is true that helping future parents is not new, but that this may have fallen by the wayside over time, notably to be replaced by more festive events such as baby showers or gender reveal parties. . Moreover, one person says that they would prefer this type of party: “My husband can clean the house and cook. Me and my girlfriends will eat fabulous food, drink champagne and celebrate each other”. Other moms-to-be don’t really feel comfortable with this concept. “I would feel too uncomfortable during the whole process. But I’m glad it works for some people”, “I couldn’t watch my friends tidy up and clean my house”, “I love this idea, but I feel like my friends and I are all burned out, so no one would come. Even if it was for me, I wouldn’t want to go.”, we read in the comments. Nesting party, baby shower, blessing way… No matter how you celebrate and prepare for the arrival of a child, the main thing is that it suits the future parents above all!
