No final for Sweden – lost giants

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

— Unfortunately, it was not enough this time. Very sad and I suffer with the boys, says union captain Magnus Hävelid in SVT.

Sweden was hunting for its 14th JVM final in ice hockey. In the semi-finals, the Czech Republic awaited, a team they had already met in the group stage when they won 3–2 after extra time.

The nervousness was palpable and it was noticeable that a lot was at stake. After a choppy and intense first period, it was still goalless. Carl Lindbom in the Swedish goal made a couple of sharp saves.

Jansson goalscorer

And that was the thing about daring to keep the puck.

It paid off immediately in the middle period. After clap-clap play, in-form Ludvig Jansson launched a heavy shot that made it 1-0. The full-back knew very well how to score against the Czech Republic – when the teams met in the group stage, he became the big match hero by scoring the 2-1 goal and then deciding the decision in extra time.

The junior crowns then had a golden opportunity to extend the lead via a five-on-three game, but the Czechs held out and the score after 40 minutes was the Swedish odd-goal lead.

Every 39 seconds from a final

In the final period, Sweden had control over the match picture, and for a long time it looked as if it would be a final match. But with 39 seconds remaining, the Czech Republic tied the score at 1-1 through David Jiricek and took the game to extra time. Once there, the Czech Republic drew the longest straw and won 2–1 – despite several Swedish hot goal chances.

— We were close but it wasn’t enough. I think we play our best game. I suffer with the boys. It’s a tight match and we take each other out. We wanted to decide during extra time, but they are a good team, it was their turn this time, says national team captain Magnus Hävelid in SVT after the match.

Now it’s time to reload. Next up is the bronze medal match for Sweden, against either the USA or Canada.

– We have to digest this for a couple of hours, then we have to realize that it is a medal we are playing for, says Hävelid.
