“No European would understand Russia’s support in the war”

No European would understand Russias support in the war

As expected, Russia’s attack on Ukraine became one of the main themes of the EU-China remote summit. The meeting also addressed issues related to trade and the corona pandemic, among others.

China’s reputation is at stake, says the president of the EU commission Ursula von der Leyen After the China-EU summit.

– No European would understand Russia’s support in the war. Besides, such an action would cause great damage to China’s reputation in Europe, von der Leyen commented at the press conference.

According to the President of the European Commission, China’s attempts to help Russia circumvent sanctions would also damage its reputation.

China has not condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Instead, China has sought to remain neutral in the situation.

The United States, for its part, has estimated that China intends to support Russia militarily or violate Western sanctions on Russia.

In addition to Von der Leyen, the Chinese president attended the summit via video link Xi JinpingChinese Prime Minister Li KeqiangPresident of the European Council Charles Michel and a leader in EU external relations Josep Borrell.

China: We are conducting peace talks “in our own way”

Chinese Prime Minister Li, for his part, told EU leaders that China is pursuing peace talks between Ukraine and Russia “in its own way.” China asserted its defense of international law and the territorial integrity of all countries.

According to Michelin, the president of the European Council, the EU asked China to help end the war in Ukraine.

– China cannot look through its fingers at Russia’s violations of international law, Michel commented on the discussions at the press conference.

According to Chinese President Xin, the EU and China should maintain better contact on major issues concerning EU-China bilateral relations and world peace.

In addition, Chinese President Xin said the EU should form an independent vision of China.

China has been concerned that European countries would follow the example of the United States, which is taking a tighter line in its relations with China.

“War threatens security and economy”

At a press conference, European Commission President von der Leyen recalled that $ 2 billion is traded between China and the EU every day.

The corresponding figure between China and Russia is 330 million euros.

According to Michelin, the president of the European Council, China and the EU agreed that the war in Ukraine was a threat to global security and the economy.

However, the discussions did not result in a joint statement between the parties.
