No EU country achieved the Union’s recycling targets | News in brief

No EU country achieved the Unions recycling targets News

The member countries fell behind in the recycling targets for electronic waste and municipal waste. Finland did not achieve either of them.

The European Commission is launching an infringement procedure against every EU member state because none of them have achieved the Union’s waste collection and recycling targets.

Out of all 27 member countries, 25 did not separately collect sufficient electrical and electronic waste. 18 member countries did not reach the 2020 target, according to which at least half of municipal waste had to be prepared for reuse or recycled.

Finland did not achieve either goal.

Initiating infringement proceedings is a standard procedure. Initially, the Commission sends an official notification to the Member State, to which the Member State responds and corrects the deficiencies. If the answer does not satisfy the commission, it gives the member country a reasoned statement.

Finally, the Commission can file a lawsuit against the member state in the European Court of Justice.
