no criminal prosecution for P&O Ferries after the dismissal of 800 sailors

no criminal prosecution for PO Ferries after the dismissal of

British justice announced on Friday August 18 that P&O Ferries will not ultimately be prosecuted. The company, which provides the maritime link between the port of Calais in France and that of Dover in England, had, on March 17, 2022, brutally laid off nearly 800 sailors to replace them with less expensive labour. However, a civil investigation is still ongoing.

The announcement dismissal of sailors from P&O ferries had caused a real outcry and major disruptions in cross-Channel transport last spring. Two company vessels had been detained and eight others inspected by British authorities. The boss of Ferries P&O Peter Hebbkethwaite and that of the parent company DP World had been summoned to explain themselves before a parliamentary committee.

Abrupt replacement

The company had indeed replaced overnight 786 sailors out of 3,000 by Colombians and temporary workers, paid below the English minimum wage, i.e. less than 1,940 euros gross monthly for employees over 23 years old.

After a full and robust criminal investigation into the circumstances surrounding the employees made redundant by P&O Ferries, we have concluded that we will not pursue criminal charges. “said a spokesperson for the Insolvency Service, attached to the government, in a press release published on Friday. The agency is responsible in particular for prosecuting offenders on behalf of the Ministry of Enterprise.

Decision ” deeply disappointing »

A decision ” deeply disappointing for dismissed sailors, lamented the general secretary of Nautilus International, a union that represents sea professionals, Mark Dickinson. Especially since “ the parent company of P&O Ferries announced record profits “, he continued.

Within the government and the opposition, voices are also indignant and are calling for legislation to prohibit these abusive practices.
