No compensation planned from SJ: “Governed by demand”

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According to SJ’s press spokesperson Lina Edström, SJ is working hard to try to fix the ticket booking on the website that is not working as it should.

– Our IT department and our suppliers are working to solve the problems. There is still high pressure on the website, she tells SVT.

– Of course, we want it to work and all our available resources are working to increase solving the problems.

She has no comment on the fact that SJ has not yet communicated to its customers via the website or social media.

No compensation planned

Despite the fact that the customer himself cannot control the interruptions on the website and that bookings cannot be completed, Lina Edström believes that it is a fact that prices are controlled by demand.

– Our prices are governed by demand, that’s how it is. And the increases are due to the fact that many people are in at the same time and that some customers manage to book at the available prices.

Review consequences

Over the course of tomorrow, SJ hopes to get a bigger picture of how many people tried to buy at the same time and what happened.

– Then of course we will review the consequences of so many trying to book during the night, says Lina Edström.
