No advertisement when the authority would hire a manager

No advertisement when the authority would hire a manager

Updated 01.40 | Published 01.15




full screen The procurement authority receives criticism from the Swedish Competition Authority after an unauthorized direct procurement. Stock photography Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

The procurement authority must provide knowledge and advice on how public procurement should be carried out and reasonably set an example. But now the authority itself is receiving criticism from the Swedish Competition Authority for an incorrect procurement, reports Dagens Juridik.

The authority needed to hire a temporary manager in 2022 but did not advertise the position but signed an agreement with a consulting firm.

When the temporary service at the authority needed to be extended, a new agreement was drawn up. The authority assessed that the value of the agreements could be calculated separately, but the Swedish Competition Authority disagrees. Instead, it is the total value that should be counted.

The agreement therefore constitutes an unauthorized procurement, according to the Swedish Competition Authority’s decision.
