Nissan and Renault Announced Six New Models!

Nissan and Renault Announced Six New Models

The electric vehicle market is growing rapidly. established car manufacturers Tesla and BYD, they need to provide a level playing field to compete with relatively new companies. But established companies are not willing to leave the market to these newcomers. Finally, Nissan Motor and Renault invest $600 million in the production of six new models, including two electric vehicles joined forces to do it.

Nissan and Renault have announced a $600 million investment to build six new models in India. The move aims to increase the falling market shares in the country and to increase the market as the third largest automobile market in the world. aims to take advantage of its global importance. As part of their renewed alliance, the two companies It will cooperate closely in three markets, including India, Latin America and Europe.

The six new models will be built on common platforms, allowing for common components and engineering, and two electric vehicles will contain. The remaining four models will all be produced at the Chennai plant in south India, where the companies own joint ownership and a research and development centre. sport utility vehicles will be.

What Nissan and Renault did in India to build six new models, two of them electric 600 million dollar investment, an important step in addressing the falling market shares in the country and capitalizing on its growing importance. By renewing their two decades-old global alliances and focusing on collaboration in India, Latin America and Europe, the two companies are committed to increasing their presence and growing rapidly. get a share from the automotive market aims.
