Nirvana: why Spencer Elden, the baby of “Nevermind” files a complaint

Nirvana why Spencer Elden the baby of Nevermind files a

NEVERMIND. Spencer Elden, the famous naked baby on the cover of Nirvana’s “Nevermind” album, is filing a complaint for the second time against the group.

He is the most famous rock baby in the world: Spencer Elden, who is four months old when he poses naked in a swimming pool, his gaze eyeing a dollar bill on a hook, for the purposes of the cover from the album nevermind by Nirvana, released in 1991 and sold more than 30 million copies. After a first complaint filed at the end of August, dismissed by the judge in charge of the case on January 3, Spencer Elden again filed a complaint.

Now 30 years old, he denounces the use of his image without his authorization or that of his parents and “the commercial exploitation of child pornography images of his person”, reports AFP. At the time of his first complaint, the plaintiff claimed 150,000 dollars in damages from the 17 people he is suing, including former members of Nirvana and Courtney Love, executor of Kurt Cobain.

Also during this first complaint, the defendants’ lawyers denounced the bad faith of Spencer Elden, who, they explained, “spent three decades enjoying his fame as the self-proclaimed ‘baby Nirvana’. He remade the photo in exchange of remuneration on numerous occasions; he had the title of the album tattooed nevermind on the chest (…), he autographed copies of the album cover to sell them on eBay and he used this link to try to flirt with women.” After filing this complaint for the first time without follow-up , on the grounds that the plaintiff had not responded in due time to the arguments opposed to him by Nirvana’s lawyers, will Spencer Elden succeed?
