Nintendo Switch 2 Will Come with Samsung OLED Screen

Nintendo Switch 2 Will Come with Samsung OLED Screen

Nintendo’s new generation game console, Nintendo Switch 2, is eagerly awaited by game lovers. Although no official introduction or statement has been made about the features of the device yet, rumors continue to come. In the latest news about Nintendo Switch 2, the OLED screen of the device is discussed. Reportedly Nintendo OLED screen is in talks with Samsung for

Nintendo Switch 2 Will Have Samsung OLED Panel!

Nintendo was negotiating with BOE for the OLED panel screen required for the new game console. Nintendoseems to have turned to Samsung after negotiations with the Chinese brand BOE, one of the world’s largest OLED, LCD and flexible display manufacturers. It is not known what the two companies disagreed on, but the case between Samsung and BOE may be related to the issue. As it is known, Samsung recently filed a lawsuit against BOE for alleged patent infringement.

It went on sale at Valve last month. Steam Deck game console It had negotiations with BOE for its screen, but Steam Deck has a Samsung brand OLED screen. Although the exact reason is not known, it seems that there is a turning away from the BOE.

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What Samsung OLED Screen Technology Adds to the Game Console

Samsung OLED screens on Valve’s game console Steam Deck were highly appreciated by users. Samsung brand Image quality of OLED displaysIt also takes the performance of the console to the next level. The possibility of Nintendo collaborating with Samsung excited game enthusiasts. Because we can say that the image quality of the console goes to a higher segment with the OLED screen.

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Nintendo Switch 2 with Samsung OLED Screen Will Be Much Talked About!

High contrast levels and brighter colors are achieved on OLED screens. In game consoles, where image quality and vivid and bright colors are very important, the screen is also of great importance. In this regard, game consoles with a quality OLED screen gain priority in the eyes of gamers.

Samsung Oled screen Nintenda Switch 2, which is expected to be equipped with OLED screen technology, will have extra features in terms of both visual and hardware. Thanks to the OLED screen, color transitions, brightness of colors, and superior quality in dark scenes will attract gamers on Nintendo’s new console.

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It is thought that Nintendo Switch 2 will make a big impact in the market with its Samsung Oled screen. With screen quality and advanced gaming features superior quality The expected new generation game console may be in a trend-setting position.
