Nintendo comments on Microsoft and Sony takeovers and distances itself

Nintendo comments on Microsoft and Sony takeovers and distances itself

Race for technology with ever more efficient components, race for exclusivity with studio takeovers with big billions, for more than 20 years, Sony and Microsoft have looked at each other like earthenware to try to prove to each other the one with the biggest. Then remains the third and last manufacturer, a certain Nintendo who has long since changed gear in terms of strategy. This is both the strength and the weakness of the Kyoto firm which continues to work in its corner, with its way of doing things, its culture and above all its community. Sometimes paying (the Wii and the Switch), sometimes dangerous (the Wii U), this strategy does not seem to change one iota for the years to come, and the words of Shuntaro Furukawa, the CEO of Ninendo, confirm this vision.

Our brand was built on products made with dedication by our employees, and having a large number of people who do not have the same DNA as Nintendo in our group would not be a plus for the company.

It is true that Nintendo is not a manufacturer that buys studios with a vengeance, and the latest takeover, that of Next Level Games in January 2021, was carried out after almost 20 years of collaboration and most of their production dedicated entirely to Nintendo. The two episodes of Mario Football, Luigi’s Mansion 1 & 2 and Punch-Out!! on Wii, we owe them. It is therefore necessary to share the same philosophy, the same way of thinking and designing games to hope to be part of the Nintendo house.

Shuntaro Furukawa, CEO of Nintendo
