Nikolas Buser as head coach of the Finnish women’s national volleyball team

Nikolas Buser as head coach of the Finnish womens national

The Swiss Nikolas Buser starts as the head coach of the Finnish women’s national volleyball team.

Swiss Nicholas Buser38, has been selected as the new head coach of the women’s national volleyball team on a two-year contract.

According to the Finnish Volleyball Federation’s press release, the selection was decided by the federation’s board at its meeting on Thursday. A total of twenty people applied for the position. In the end, the union made a choice between two people.

– I am really excited about the opportunity to lead the Finnish women’s national volleyball team and I feel privileged and proud to represent this wonderful country and its volleyball community on the biggest courts, Buser commented according to the release.

Buser is not a completely new name for Finns, as he has worked as a youth national team and training center coach since 2020. He started in Finland as a boys’ coach, but quickly moved to the girls’ head coach.

The position of the head coach of the national volleyball team opened when he coached the team since 2014 Tapio Kangasniemi moved to the sports executive director of the association.

– Of course, coaching the national team is the core of the head coaching job, but a lot of weight was also placed (in the selection) on the skills of working in an international environment, the ability to support the coaching system, and the potential to develop in coaching, Kangasniemi stated in the press release.

Finland was 18th in the 2021 European Championships. Buser is looking forward to his training session.

– The women’s national team has a good combination of experienced players and young future names. I have learned during my years in Finland that everyone here is eager to learn and how good we can become as a team, Buser said.

Before coming to Finland, Buser worked as a coach in his home country of Switzerland since 2005. He coached in Germany in 2011–2012 and in the United States in 2014.

Buser’s CV includes education in sports science and coaching acquired in his home country of Switzerland.
