There is good news for the night elves of World of Warcraft. The search for a new home could soon be over.
Night elves have suffered quite a bit over the last few years of World of Warcraft. The Teldrassil home tree was destroyed by Sylvanas and the Horde, wiping out 90% of the population.
Only in Dragonflight was the druid Malfurion banished to the Ardenwald and thus to the realm of the dead for a long time, so that Ysera could rise again – only so that she then gave up her role as an aspect and passed it on to Merithra.
But all the suffering could finally lead to something positive. Because a story started in Shadowlands grows and thrives in the truest sense of the word.
What was discovered? The colleagues from wowhead have already found a new, short cinematic in the game data for Patch 10.1 Embers by Neltharion. In this it is shown that the seed, the former “gift of the winter queen” has not only been planted, but is also already thriving. Instead of a small seedling, it quickly grows into a rather impressive tree, while Alexstrasza announces that this tree will be protected in the future.
What does this mean for the night elves? Since the seed was formed from the souls of the countless night elves who died on Teldrassil, it’s quite possible that this new tree will mature into a world tree and serve as the night elves’ new home within the next few patches, although this hasn’t been confirmed yet .
When will the cinematic be shown? That’s not entirely clear yet. So far, only the short cinematic has been found in data mining. It remains to be seen whether the associated quest series will be available right at the start of Patch 10.1 or shortly before the release of the next patch.
It is also still uncertain how long it will take for the tree to grow in size. However, given that it is clearly a magical tree, it should soon grow to a size where it can serve multiple purposes – such as a possible new home for the night elves.
What does the community say about this? The players react with mixed feelings. Many night elf fans would have wished for the tree to be planted back in Kalimdor, on the old site of Teldrassil. Still others wonder why the night elves don’t just use Mount Hyjal as their home.
Basically, most seem to be looking forward to the night elves getting a new tree and thus a potential new home – even if the location, far from home on the Dragon Islands and close to centaurs, remains quite controversial.
What do you think of the idea of a new world tree in the Dragon Islands? A nice location or rather inappropriate?