Nigel Farage, the leader of Brexit, was successful and won support from the conservatives in the British elections Foreign countries

Nigel Farage the leader of Brexit was successful and won

Farage’s Reform UK party especially ate up the support of the conservatives. Having reached the parliament, Farage is already preparing for the next battles.

Along with the election victory of the Labor Party, the leader of the Eurosceptic and right-wing populist Reform UK party will become one of the winners of the British elections Nigel Farage.

Farage has previously sought a parliamentary seat seven times and now successfully. This time, according to current information, his party would win four seats, but the number may still increase.

The sound quality is impressive anyway. When most of the votes were counted, Reform UK had collected around 14% support and more than 3.8 million votes.

It is more than the Liberal Democrats, who are nevertheless gaining more than 50 seats.

In the British electoral system, the person with the most votes in a constituency is elected, and Farage’s party came second in numerous constituencies, even though there were a lot of votes. In Britain, it has been estimated that it was precisely Farage’s campaign that appealed to dissatisfied conservative voters.

Immigration is a big theme in the campaign

Farage made immigration, and especially migrants from third countries coming from France by boat, a big election theme. On social media, Farage has been seen on the shores of the English Channel reporting on boats coming from France.

He criticized sharply Rishi Sun too conservatives about ineptitude and promised to stop all but absolutely necessary immigration.

According to the populist playbook, he also campaigns against the so-called elite.

According to opinion polls, the majority of Britons do not like Brexit as the right solution. However, hard-line supporters of leaving the EU are disappointed with the way the Conservatives ultimately handled it. In his campaign, Farage accused the Conservatives of betrayal.

On election night, Farage already talked about the next election and said that this is just the beginning.

Financial Times commentator Gideon Rachman wondered if Britain was going the way of France. There, the right-wing populist National Alliance became the largest party in the first round of the parliamentary elections just over a week ago.

In his victory celebration, Farage said that the goal now is to build a broad mass movement that could be a big factor in the next election. According to Farage, the Labor Party’s election victory came as a protest against the Conservatives, but the party does not inspire voters.

The situation after the British election can be followed here.

The matter was corrected at 5 July 2024 at 9:07 am. The National Front was changed to the National Alliance.
