Nieuwegein – You sometimes hear that grandfathers have more time for their grandchildren than they used to have for their own children. However, this certainly does not apply to everyone. A conversation about a bunch of keys full of children’s and grandchildren’s keys simply became an example of emancipation in the 1980s: “When my wife and I wanted children, my wife was very clear. She really wanted to keep working. nothing: taking your children to daycare and picking them up tired in the evening. I didn’t want to have children for that. So my wife said: “But why don’t you stop working yourself?” It turned out to be the best decision of my life, this role change. She became the breadwinner, I took care of the children. That actually suited us both much better. My wife loved her career, I am very caring.”
Nieuwegein grandfather with a bunch of keys from the grandchildren turned out to be an example of emancipation in the 1980s