Nicolas Struve, correspondence with Russia

Nicolas Struve correspondence with Russia

We know him without knowing him. He knows it and is not offended by it, even if his CV is as long as a wait between two theater or cinema sets.

Why didn’t he play Nicholas Struve (that’s his name) often accomplice of a Valère Novarina, the actor will have served the texts of Koltès, Dumas, Racine, Ibsen, in short of the classic, the repertoire, the heavy. But Nicolas Struve has another life, a second life as a passionate translator, lover of Russian literature. But perhaps it is the same life, that of a one-man orchestra, capable of exhuming a surprising Correspondence with the Seagull between Anton Chekhov and Lydia Mizinova, to translate it (to Éditions Arlea) and to stage it. A Russia at the end of the 19th century which has its passageways in the personal biography of our guest…

The musical choices of Nicolas Struve

Choir of the Benedictine monks of Chevtognes

Alexander Sukhanov Можжевеловый куст /juniper bush

Mico Nissim Ofdefinitely
