Nicolas Sarkozy sentenced: can he still represent France abroad?

Nicolas Sarkozy sentenced can he still represent France abroad

Since 2017, he has been Emmanuel Macron’s favorite emissary, sent to diplomatic events around the world. A sign of the good relations he has with the President of the Republic, Nicolas Sarkozy has on several occasions been asked to replace him to represent France abroad: in 2018 in Georgia, at the investiture of President Salomé Zurabishvili; in 2019 in Japan, at the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Naruhito; in 2020 in Oman, to offer condolences to the royal family after the death of Sultan Qaboos; or, more recently, last September again in Japan, for the funeral of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. But can a person sentenced by the courts to three years in prison, of which one year is suspended, and to a deprivation of his civic rights for three years, even if he is a former head of state, still play this role of ambassador of the country ? The question needs to be asked. The majority is divided…

First of all, it is a question of recalling that Nicolas Sarkozy is, for the moment, still innocent under the law: once the decision was announced this Wednesday morning May 17, the former tenant of the Élysée, by through his lawyer Me Jacqueline Laffont, announced that he wanted to appeal to the Court of Cassation to challenge the decision of the Paris Court of Appeal. This appeal being suspensive, Nicolas Sarkozy will not serve his sentence immediately. “The judicial circuit is not over… That said, it is hard to imagine him landing soon at Matignon, jokes a deputy of the majority who has frequently rubbed shoulders with him. More seriously, in my opinion, this decision imposes a withdrawal .”

In Macronie, one wonders above all about the political consequences of this court decision, and the symbolic, moral danger that a new mission of representation given to Nicolas Sarkozy would bring to the image of the country. “It’s ugly, whispers a prominent minister when he learns of the sanctions imposed on the former president. Only the president can make this decision, but politically, it seems complicated to me.” Same story on the side of the Palais Bourbon, where several deputies elected under the Macronist banner find it hard to imagine, or even oppose, their leader calling on the services of his predecessor again. “From my point of view, it is untenable, especially since it is not a question of the only procedure targeting Nicolas Sarkozy”, judges a pillar of the Renaissance group in the National Assembly, when one of his colleagues believe that his word is now demonetized “both nationally and internationally” and that it is necessary “to avoid valuing him, because the cases accumulate and the potential condemnations with”.

A minister from the PS to the rescue of the former president

Beyond the risk run by Emmanuel Macron if he gives him his confidence once again, some, in a period when the distrust of the French has never been so great towards their leaders, are worried about the fallout from this new episode. judicial on this deleterious climate: “Unfortunately, this will reflect on the image of the entire political class”, regrets a deputy from the Horizons group, close to Édouard Philippe.

However, we also find in the corridors of the Assembly some supporters of the former boss of the Republicans, who stick to the strict legal dimension of the case. This is particularly the case of the former mayor of Poissy, who became a deputy for Yvelines, Karl Olive: “President Sarkozy had said that he would go to the end of the end of the legal process, he has every right to do so, and he is not definitively condemned. The question of maintaining his representation missions does not therefore arise, “says the one who joined the UMP in 2010.

If the influence of Nicolas Sarkozy, like his popularity rating, has greatly diminished within his own political family, he still retains a certain stature in the eyes of the executives of the presidential majority, some of whom do not sulk their pleasure when meeting the former president. “This conviction is one more step, but it does not change his lucidity on politics and the interest of his comments, assures a Renaissance deputy who spent part of his political life in the ranks of LR. Some may have modesty in seeing a convict, but many will always find an interest in seeing him. He contributes to the atmosphere of French political life.”

And the figure of Nicolas Sarkozy does not only find admirers within the right wing of Macronie: “Of course he can always represent France abroad!, assures a member of the government from the Socialist Party who , let’s admit it, we are somewhat surprised by his enthusiasm. He is certainly condemned by justice, but he is not. ad vitam aeternam and he still remains President of the Republic. It would be wrong to deprive ourselves of the experience and aura of Nicolas Sarkozy, especially since he really represents something internationally.” More than ever, the voice of the former head of state and his role with Emmanuel Macron are debated within the majority, but one thing is certain and seems to be a consensus: they will always have more weight with the president than those of François Hollande.Convictions, or not.
