Nicolas Sarkozy has already found a way to get rid of his electronic bracelet

Nicolas Sarkozy has already found a way to get rid

Nicolas Sarkozy’s bracelet was placed on February 7, but it should quickly be removed. The former President of the Republic could be advantaged by his age.

Barely posed and already withdrawn? Nicolas Sarkozy could finally spend less than a year with his electronic ankle bracelet. The former president was posed this bracelet on Friday, February 7, marking the start of the prison sentence of one year in the so -called listening case, which he had nevertheless led to the Court of Cassation. Under the terms defined by the sentencing judge (JAP) on January 28, he will have to stay at his home, in his home in the 16th arrondissement of Paris with an authorization to leave from 8 am to 8 pm, and until 9:30 p.m. The days of trial. Indeed, he is prosecuted for Libyan suspicions of funding from his (victorious) presidential campaign in 2007 and his trial is underway.

An upcoming parole?

But now, if this conviction is exceptional for a former president, it could also be much shorter than expected. Indeed, Nicolas Sarkozy was 70 years old on January 28, 2025 and he could take advantage of his age to have access to parole. Although the constraints linked to his prison sentence are still very limited compared to an inmate in prison, he could do well.

As the law says, “if the person sentenced to over 70 years, he can obtain parole regardless of the duration of the sentence that remains to be carried out”. He can therefore ask for it today, Saturday, February 8. Several conditions remain necessary for a parole to be granted, and Nicolas Sarkozy seems to bring them all together. He must justify accommodation and reintegration, as with therapy for example. In addition, “such a release is not granted in the event of the risk of renewal of the offense”, which is unlikely to arrive given the very specific case of this case, “or serious disorder to the public order “.
