The elected official Nicolas Florian, mayor of Bordeaux from 2019 to 2020, and presented at the time as the dolphin ofAlain Juppédied this Sunday, January 26 in a city hospital. He was 55 years old. His family expressed his “immense pain”.
“He made a fairly massive stroke on Friday by going to the office” and was hospitalized, a source close to the former mayor told AFP, adding that the death had occurred “at the end of the morning” this Sunday. “The announcement of the brutal disappearance of Nicolas Florian upsets us all,” reacted Prime Minister François Bayrou on his X account. “Mayor following Alain Juppé of which he was the friend, he was one of the votes The most respected in Bordeaux. “
Figure of the local policy and the Les Républicains party in Gironde, Nicolas Florian had been propelled into the mayor’s chair during the departure to the Constitutional Council of his mentor Alain Juppe, mayor of Bordeaux for 22 years, who had appointed him as his heir.
“Old companion”
Elected in March 2019 by the Municipal Council, in 2020 he broke the votes of the Bordeaux. But he is beaten by The ecologist Pierre HURMICdespite an alliance in the second round with the macronist camp led by Thomas Cazenave. Nicolas Florian has since been one of the main figures of the opposition to the town hall of Bordeaux and called, for the municipal elections of 2026, to renew this alliance between the Republicans and Renaissance in the first round.
The elected ecologist Pierre Hurmic expressed his “sadness” after this “brutal disappearance” which “leaves an immense emptiness to the municipal council”, welcoming in a press release “the memory of a determined politician”. Former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, also a juppeist, paid tribute to “an old comrade, an old companion, with Alain Juppé”. The mayor of Le Havre was expressed during a regional meeting of his Horizons party in Bordeaux, where a minute of silence was observed.
Lot-et-Garonnais by birth but Bordeaux since childhood, a graduate in business law, Nicolas Florian had made his teeth in politics by chaining local functions, first as a parliamentary assistant of an RPR deputy, then 25 years as elected in Villenave-d’Ornon, in the Bordeaux suburbs. After mandates in the metropolis, the department, the region, he had become the finance assistant, human resources and the general administration of Alain Juppé.
“Mayor of the daily”
During the passage of witness in 2019, he had had a little more than a year to try to impose his mark in the face of what he described as “local snobbery” dedicating Bordeaux to the great figures, of Jacques Chaban-Delmas (mayor From 1947 to 1995) to Alain Juppé (1995-2004 then 2006-2019). This close close to Valérie Pécresse, deemed Macron-compatible, claimed a status of “proximity man” and “mayor of the daily”. Married, father of a child, he had welcomed on his list in 2020 Guillaume Chaban-Delmas, grandson of the former Prime Minister of Georges Pompidou.
“My friend Nicolas Florian left us brutally and it was a shock,” reacted Valérie Pécresse, president of the Île-de-France region, on X. “He had his city in Bordeaux in the heart.” The Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau, said his “stupor” in the face of this “brutal death”. “He will miss Bordeaux, as he will miss the right,” he tweeted. The former Prime Minister Michel Barnier praised the memory of an elected official who “loved Bordeaux as he loved France”.