Nicaragua breaks diplomatic relations with the Vatican

Nicaragua breaks diplomatic relations with the Vatican

The rupture of relations with the Vatican is on the front page of all the Nicaraguan press. A decision made, writtenConfidentiala few hours after the publication of an interview in which Pope Francis describes as ” Hitler dictatorship » the Government of Nicaragua, andthinks he sees a imbalance of the person in President Daniel Ortega “. Pope Francis also praises imprisoned Bishop Rolando José Alvarez:a very serious, very capable man. He wanted to testify and did not accept exile “.La Prensastates that, according to Vatican News, the information site of the Holy See, the government has asked the Vatican to close its diplomatic missions in the country, even if, according to the chancellery of Nicaragua, this closure stems from a decision common, specifies the daily. La Prensa recalls that the reports were already very deteriorated ” following the regime’s crackdown on the country’s Catholic Church and Nicaraguans in general since the 2018 citizen protests, violently suppressed by the dictatorship “. February 21, written100% Noticiasthe president had previously referred to as “ mafia the Church and accused her of being undemocratic “.

Arturo McFields, the former Nicaraguan ambassador to the Organization of American States, who had resigned with a bang denouncing the regime of Daniel Ortega, speaks in 100% Noticias of diplomacy” stupid, vulgar and ordinary “. ” This rupture will cause an even greater international isolation of the regime. “, say the experts and diplomats interviewed by Confidential : “ Not even Cuba or Venezuela did anything like that », Underlines a diplomatic source, who remarks that « by no longer recognizing the Vatican and the nunciature, Ortega can claim today to intervene in the appointment of bishops “.

State of emergency in Peru

In Peru, the rainy season has killed at least 59 people since September, more than 12,000 people are affected. It is on the front page of all the press, because the rains increased sharply on Friday evening. ” On red alert “, title in One – and in red letters – Correo, letters printed on the photo of a street invaded by water and mud. A state of emergency has been declared in 18 districts of Lima and four of nearby Callao, writes Peru 21and also in the rest of the country – 483 districts in all – “ after the intense rains that fell due to Cyclone Yaku “.

According to the Prime Minister, very heavy rains are expected to fall in the coming days in Lima: “ you have to prepare for it “. Gold, titled Sunday Peru 21 in One, ” we weren’t ready “: ” There is an urgent need for cities to set up their own urban planning processes and take the climate into account »especially since it is above all the most vulnerable who are affected. And the diary of wishing in her editorial that, following this cyclone, the word prevention is not only used when tragedy reminds us “.

► To read also: Peru: deadly landslides in the south of the country

The convulsions of the American banking system

The American banking system is doing well “, Tried to reassure US President Joe Biden on Monday – he is on the front page of the site of the New York Timesafter the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. Politico recalls that ” three days before [son] collapse, lobbyists and industry officials gloated: They had convinced key lawmakers to publicly warn the head of the Federal Reserve against greater regulation of the industry. “. A three-month campaign now in jeopardy, writes the news site, because of ” collapse “. The conservative wall street journal believes for its part that the unpleasant truth – which Washington will never admit – is that Silicon Valley Bank’s failure is the expected bill after years of monetary and regulatory mistakes “. THE New York Times is interested in ” the threat that the collapse of the SVB poses to companies developing solutions to the climate crisis “. This bank indeed worked with “more than 1,550 firms collaborated on projects relating to solar energy, hydrogen and batteries. ” According to the bank’s websiteexplains the newspaper, the SVB lent them billions of dollars “.

► To read or listen: Why the fall of Silicon Valley Bank, the financial arm of tech, is causing such a stir

The Oscars honor Asian artists

The film Everything, Everywhere, All at Once won seven Oscars, including Best Actress with actress Michelle Yeoh. THE washington post recalls that this 60-year-old native of Malaysia began her career in the Hong Kong film industry in the 1980s. Ke Huy Quan, who for his part won the statuette for best supporting actor, recalled in his speech at the ceremony having started his journey ” on a boat when, still a child, he fled Vietnam, before passing through a refugee camp in Hong Kong and finally settling in the United States. More broadly, writes HollywoodReportercreators of Chinese and Indian origin have triumphed » during this 95e editing. The parents of the director Everything, Everywhere, All at Once are of Hong Kong and Taiwanese descent. Kartiki Gonsalves, the director of the documentary short The Elephant Whisperers, is Indian. However, note The Hollywood Reporterthe representation of diversity to its limits: only a Latino and an African-American have recovered a statuette.

► To read or listen: 95th Oscars: a wild success for the unconventional film “Everything Everywhere All at Once”
