NHL goaltender Raanta’s hockey career continues in Switzerland | Sports in a nutshell

NHL goaltender Raantas hockey career continues in Switzerland Sports

Last season’s Swiss ice hockey champion Geneva said on its website that it has hired Antti Raanna, who has played in the NHL for the past decade, as its goalie.

35 years old Antti Raanta started his NHL career after winning the Finnish championship in Ässi from Pori in 2013.

Geneva needed Raanta’s services when the goalkeeper of the Swiss team Gauthier Descloux was injured. Raanta played in the NHL’s Carolina Hurricanes at the beginning of last season, but fell to the AHL farm team Chicago Wolves as the season ended.

Raanta has a successful career in the NHL. He played in the world’s first league before Carolina for the Chicago Blackhawks, New York Rangers and Arizona Coyotes. Raanta won the Stanley Cup in Chicago in 2015.

Along with Raanna, a Finnish defender will play in Geneva Sami Vatanen and attackers Sakari Manninen, Teemu Hartikainen and Markus Granlund.
