NFT Feature Coming to Instagram! – Mobile

NFT Feature Coming to Instagram Mobile

CEO of Meta Mark Zuckerberg, Shortly before; non-convertible tokens or popularly NFTs one of the soon-to-be social media platforms of the technology known as on Instagram announced that it will be available.

Meta’s senior official earlier this week South By Southwest He was addressing one of the sessions at the event. There, “in the next few months, NFT feature will come.”

The Meta CEO also added, “There are a number of technical things that need to be resolved before this and it will be really smooth. in the near term NFTs We’re working to bring it to Instagram.” he added.

Similarly, Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri; also said the company has been “actively researching NFTs” lately, but hasn’t disclosed any other details on the matter.

In addition Zuckerberg; He said he also cares about India and its creators and developer community. This news is also the technology giant; its focus is on AR (augmented reality) for billions of people worldwide metaverse It comes down to scrolling through experiences.
